Rabu, 24 Desember 2014

Example of Analytical text

“Separate Class for High and Low Students”

            Yesterday, I went to the market to buy some fruits. I saw some teachers at Senior High School and I heard they said, “We will separate class for high and low students tomorrow.” That surprised me, in my opinion, I disagree with it. Why do I say that? Firstly, for low students, they will feel not confident. For example, they will feel that they are not clever. They will be embarrassed to meet other students because of some students just want to be friends with clever students. Secondly, for low students, their ability doesn’t improve. If they are in class, they will feel lazy because, in their class there are not competition to be better than others. It will be different if between low and high students are studying together. They will be more spirit to compete be better than others. For high students, they can also teach the low students if the low students can’t answer a question or can’t still understand the material. From my arguments above, I think separate class for high and low students are having some negative impacts for low students if it happen.

Posted by : Chachakoreanlovers 
Written by : Chachakoreanlovers 

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